James' Violin Buddy | Josey's Duckie ♥ | | Dandruffie's BFF | O Sparkly One
Livvy cocked her head slightly as the girl gave her dress a little tug. It was rather awkward to see a girl wearing such a short dress. Especially sweet little innocent Cela. Livvy herself would feel rather self conscious in such a mini dress. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing one in fact.
Oh. She nodded her head and held Cela's butterbeer. Hmm. Livvy had yet to have a butterbeer again. She had been too busy and swamped to have one. She would have one later. The butterbeer would wait for her. Yes it would. "Dom-in-icky? Why. No I haven't. I don't believe he knows I exist. Therefore I will pretend he doesn't exist. So obviously I wouldn't see him if he didn't exist. Dom-in-icky Denton, you say? Never heard of him," Livvy said as she went towards the food trolley to get her own butterbeer. It couldn't wait any longer, Livvy decided.