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Old 05-16-2009, 12:14 AM   #38 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by Annananaz View Post
Anna peered into the window of a nearby compartment and waved to a few friends, then continued her walk throughout the train. Up ahead, she spotted a girl---a very young girl---whom she'd assume was a very upset first year. Anna stilled and watched the girl for a few minutes. Doing so brought Anna's mind far, far away from the train. She thought back to her very first year, when she'd shared a compartment when Xana and her friends. She hadn't known a soul, and she'd been scared beyond belief. She'd remained quiet for most of the train ride to school, mainly because she didn't know anyone, but also because she was afraid to speak up and say the wrong thing. She imagined this little girl probably felt about the same.

Anna continued to think back to her very first year until she felt a sudden hard blow to her left side. Immediately, she was brought back to the reality of her seventh year and wonder of all wonders, the little girl she'd been watching was literally inches away from her. Had she been the one to slam full force into Anna? She didn't know. She'd been daydreaming. Maybe so, though, because the little girl was now apologizing.

Anna smiled warmly and offered a hand to help the girl up off the floor. The girl appeared to have already pushed herself up all on her own, though. "Oh, it's alright. Those things happen. I'm Anna Greingoth, the Head Girl at Hogwart's. Are you one of the incoming first years?" she asked. She glanced down and smiled once again, this time at the rabbit and frog. "That's a nice rabbit and frog you have there."
Kaitlynnh sighed in relief, thankful the older girl she crashed into was a nice one. And a girl, that made it better too. At first she wasn't aware of her badge, the small girl was more focused on trying to figure out why she seemed vaguely familiar and making sure the animals she had were both alright, which they were; the frog maybe abit startled by the jostling, but her rabbit was content being hugged to the little girl's chest. "You know Sam," it wasn't a question, it was a statement. More to herself than Anna, realizing why she thought she had seen this particular older girl before. Because she had, over summer.

It was a rare occasion she blushed, but running into the Head Girl was enough to keep the crimson visible in her naturally slightly tanned face. "I.. sorry," She repeated, unable to stop the words from coming out. The small girl gave a nod of her curly haired head, answering shyly "I am. It's nice to meet you, Anna" Katie smiled, stroking her little rabbit. She added, "Thank you! This is Nova. And that's Waterfall," nodding down at the caged frog.

Originally Posted by Annananaz View Post
"Oh, excuse me," Anna said, stepping aside. "Erm, this is Cam, a second year Slytherin. Cam, this is..."
Being introduced to a boy that had greeted the nice Head Girl, Katie waved her free hand 'hello'. "Kaitlynnh Mae. My friends call me Katie," She replied, glancing up at Anna.
Originally Posted by Mistahh View Post
There she was, standing right with this older girl that Cy thought looked vaguely familiar. He brushed up against her shoulder slightly and turned around, still walking swiftly. “Sistah Sledge! Bettah’ late than nevah, eh?” Without another word, he took a sharp right into the empty compartment his back pack was in. He dropped the invisible whoopee cushion in the seat across from him and sat down in his seat. His smile could NOT have been any smugger.
Feeling someone brush past her, Kaitlynnh was sure it was on purpose when her gaze turned only to see one of her friends. As usual, her dark eyes narrowed at THAT name; blasted boy STILL hadn't told her what it meant! And now he was walking away from her! "I'm,.. Cy's, URGH." She murmured, letting out a sigh of annoyance and shook her head. She was going to have to catch up with him in a moment. "It's rude to walk away you know," Katie called after him, even though he may not hear it.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.

Last edited by D.A Forever; 05-16-2009 at 01:36 AM. Reason: Missed something and didn't notice until JUST now! XD
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