Cyrus didn’t bother to say goodbye to Teal, he just grabbed his trunk at full force and used ever bit of the power his small body could muster to hoist it onto the luggage compartment.
The eleven year old grinned wryly, he had stored SO many greats from Zonko’s in there, and even a few muggle stores that would get Katie mad. Hehe. His dark eyes scanned the train, and he automatically decided that sitting in the front would suck. And the middle would be undesirable, so he headed towards the back.
The Aussie was quite earlier, he noticed a kid maybe a year older than him and one compartment… Cy continued on. And then he noticed a girl who was considerably older than him as well. But, he was really aiming for 6th years and above to be his ‘woman’ and she didn’t quite fit the ticket. She was pretty though… yeah.
Finally finding an empty compartment, Cy bounded into it. He threw his backpack on the seat and rummaged through it to make sure everything was there. He smiled wryly and zipped it back up. He stayed standing though, he was way too excited to sit down. Maybe Legend and Mat would show up… and Katie.
__________________ Stalkee loves Stalker most, ALWAYS. Never forget <3 Pardnuhs for life! <333 G-FISH GANGSTAS HOLLAAA!! |