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Lettie dragged herself onto the train. Now that it was time to leave, she didn't want to.
Ornlu followed his master, his furry dark brown tabby tail standing straight up. Leticia found a seat and sat down, sighing to herself. Ornlu hopped up and curled up into his girl's lap, purring loudly.
"Well, this is it...a new school." Lettie said quietly as she picked up her backpack and setting it down next to her. She scratched Ornlu behind his left ear and stared out the window, wishing her father and mother were with her.
Ricco had began to get a little nervous so getting on the train he watched as people waved to their parents while he had nobody to wave to. After he was on the train he bagan to walk down the carts until he found one that appeared to be empty. As soon as he walked in he found a familiar face but deciding not to start an argument he quietly sat down.