Originally Posted by
Yaya "Nuu...I love you more..." Melinda said, and leaned again to kiss him. Her smile, her feelings were real for the first time in a year and she was really excited to be around his guy for that time. All of the sudden, she felt lucky again.
"...she's just a year younger than you." Melinda told Chris, quite surprised. "...and why did she do this....I mean, she may had seen something out of the normal in you. More than the amazing you are, I mean again..." She said, laughing at the way she was talking. She was tripping too much over words. And who wouldn't?? That kiss on the cheek, nothing coming from her mouth could mean something.
Nooo I love you way more." Chris said smiling. Then he kissed her again, he had missed her so much. And it felt great to have her back with him.
Yeah she is." He said nodding. "
Umm no idea. If you see in this one." He said pointing to the bottom of one of the pictures. "
she wanted me to sing to her. And she gave this to me, I don't know March and I ended up singing to her on the train ride home." Chris said chuckling. "
I really have no clue it was weird when we first met, cause I was in the common room talking to a bunch of people. Then Jane comes in and sits right next to me and then kept taking quick looks at me. I thought it was weird so I said hi. And she like already knew my name then out of the blue gave me one of pictures she had drew of me. It was creepy actaully." He told Melinda.