Originally Posted by
Bwaha, well Melanie would
hehe, his name is actually Jakers now

but still Jake. like it was short for Jacob, now it's short for Jakers.
hehe, quit yo LIES
Ohhh I get it.
What LIES? I didn't say any lies. Nope, nope none at all. You are so a great writer.
Staring into the cot, Heath tried to drag his eyes away from Jacob’s little face. The kid never did much… just lay there staring. Heath made his decision long ago about Jacob. He was weird. He was 3 weeks old… and weird. Heath couldn’t deal with weird.
Wow...Really seeing the fatherly love here.
Hemhem. Someone needs to learn to appreciate the awesomeness that is weird people. Seriously. They're more interesting than all the rest...
*sniffles* I'm bad, I am. The whole leaving part almost made me cry. Almost.
*clings to your leg* BWAAaaHa. I can't wait for more...
it took me a bit to figure out what this meant buuuut-