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"Not at all," he said, offering her a drink from the tray and a broad smile. "Looking good as always," he winked and moved on to the next staff member.
"Quite nice, thank you. Need a towel?" he asked, his eyes moving upward to his forehead. He produced a handkerchief and handed it to the other man before holding the tray out and turning to the rest of the room.
"Well, I suppose we should get on with the meeting. Before I get to my orating, does anyone have any pressing issues to be brought before the assemblage?"
Kapoor took a moment to eagerly select a minty-looking drink from the tray the Headmaster had been passing around. He sucked the sweet cream from the top of it and it left him with a large foaming moustache.
I've got nothing to report, Headmaster." He said through a screen of sticky sweet froth.
Great Merlin, Ian! Are you hiding cocoons in your great brow?" He said taking noticed of Ashby's extra-furry eyebrows and teasing lightly. Not that Kapoor could really be one to speak, his own brows bushy enough to knit mittens out of. He pushed back the seat next to his to make room for Ian and sat there with the moustache of white.