Caroline's Office Caroline’s office looks a bit like what might happen if the library and the potions classroom collided. The back wall and the inside wall are covered floor to ceiling with bookcases. The bookcase on the wide back wall is packed so full with books in what seems like a haphazard manner, it seems like there isn’t room for even one more and there probably isn’t. The system, and there is a system, that she uses to organize them all couldn’t possibly make sense to anyone but her. On the wall opposite a pair of high vaulting windows is Cari’s collection of potions, oils, creams and unguents, infusions and tinctures, even a few tisanes and a lot of potions ingredients. The bottom shelf is completely devoted to cauldrons of varying sizes and states of wear. Not far away from that is a bubbling cauldron with Cari’s latest potion brewing. Both bookcases come equipped with sliding brass ladders for easy access.
Caroline’s chestnut wood desk is large and stacked with several books on the corner. There is often neatly piled paperwork in her in and out boxes at the opposite corner of her desk. On good days she remembers to keep her reading glasses on top of her inbox when she isn’t using them. If she puts them anywhere else you might walk in to find her tearing the room apart in search of them. Other furnishings include the chaise by the window - Cari likes to use when she is reading anything that takes more than a minute to get through, it’s more comfortable than her desk chairs.
Students who wish to discuss something with Miss Avalon in her office are best to wait for her in the waiting room and ask to have a private conversation. |