A Weasley Connection...
Sara woke up. Her entire body was aching like hell. Her wounds were healing but they were taking time and it was burning her from within. She slowly got up and saw that she was dressed in a pale blue gown. She felt the bandages along her ribs and stomach.
“got up have you, Sara?”
“yeah,” she said
“how are you feeling?” asked Rosmerta
“terrible,” she mumbled
“where have you been? You have been so badly hurt,” said Rosmerta.
“I…I thought I saw my friend in woods where I apparated. It was the same place where I was before the war began. I was walking through the woods then suddenly something caught my eye and I tried to follow it. I thought it was my friend I went behind the person and when he faced he wasn’t. He was someone else and then suddenly from my back the moon slid and whoever that person was transformed. I ran away from him I felt on the ground injuring my knee but I kept running away but it was of no use. I transformed myself and was trying to keep a distance from him and cover a large area. But as I was hurt I couldn’t run that fast and that werewolf covered the distance and attacked me. Soon later the werewolf ran off after attacking. I passed out. I woke up today and apparated to this place”
“Sara I fail to understand you dear, why do you take so much of trouble in search of your friend who doesn’t understand you and is not willing to listen to you”, she said shaking her head
“Madam Rosmerta this is nothing but friendship, nothing but friendship and moreover because he thinks he is right too, but I will make him see that what he is doing will only give great trouble to himself and his loved ones,” she said slowly
“Madam Rosmerta, you know when one becomes a friend and shares every happy, every sad, every moment and event of your life with him or her you become much more closer and the bond of friendship becomes much more stronger. It is for him that I am doing all this and apart from this…I have already promised someone who is much more closer to his heart than me that I will bring him back safe and sound,”
Madam Rosmerta looked at this 17 year old young Asian girl who always surprised her some how or the other.
“ok now you better have your dinner”
2 days passed by and Mrs. Weasley didn’t get informed by Madam Rosmerta on that Sara girl. She wanted to know if that girl is alright. It was dinner time and her sons Gorge, Percy, Bill and his family and Ron were to come. Harry and Hermione weren’t coming as they had decided to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Molly was alright with it but little did she know that both of them were at Gorge’s apartment studying for their exam.
Molly didn’t bring out the topic of Sara till the last course.
“Gorge have you heard from Madam Rosmerta about your friend?”
“yes mum, Sara is alright but she still seemed to be having pain so she isn’t at the counter for quite sometime”
Bill who was chatting up with his dad regarding the tightened security of the Gringotts Bank stopped when he heard the name Sara.
“yeah she is Gorge’s friend at The Three Broomsticks. She is helping out Madam Rosmerta out there,” piped in Ginny
“what about her?” asked Bill
“nothing Bill, she is a foreigner and she came here in search of her friend who happens to be a werewolf. She recently on her search got badly wounded”
At this piece of information Bill stiffened.
“you alright Bill?” asked Percy. Ron looked at his elder brother intently.
“yeah, yeah I am fine, I am fine”
“no you are not, honey,” said Molly
“I know Sara, mum. I thought she went missing or she must be dead”
“how do you know her?” asked Gorge incredulously
“Gorge, she helped me and Remus with gathering the werewolves on our side,” he slowly said
“yes it was during my undercover operations that Remus wanted me to continue which he started for Dumbledore as he was busy with other things, that I met her. I got to know that certain person was a werewolf and he would go into the woods near by to transform on full moon day. So I decided to go in search of this guy. That’s where I met this girl who was sleeping under a tree near a small cave. I went in the cave to see if anyone is there but no one was so stayed back and took some rest. After say an hour or so when I got up and came out I saw her sitting there. She panicked and was ready with her wand when I came out. I tried to talk to her but it was difficult. I tried asking her few questions. She didn’t answer them before but she did after deciding whether to trust me or not. I took a risk and told her my purpose and she said she could help me”.
He looked up and saw all the faces were staring him and he continued, “she was a great help. We both in a week could gather 3 more people. She accompanied me because she in process would be able to find her friend too. Remus was not happy that I had taken such a risk of telling some unknown person my purpose but later he was glad that I took the risk. Remus didn’t extensively talk to her or anything. She was good at potions so she helped him in brewing the wolfsbane potion. We all were at a particular hide out for quite some time. She helped me with others when they would transform. Remus thought her to be a great asset. He wanted her to be with us whenever the actual war would breakout, but that didn’t happen.”
He looked at Ron and said, “just before you guys were captured at the Malfoy Manor I had returned back to Shell Cottage and Remus was with Tonks as she was soon going to have Ted. It was then that Fernier Greyback attacked our hideout with few of his mates. The inmates at the hideout were all asleep with only one keeper at the entrance who was body bound silently. They attacked 2 of the inmates when they were asleep the others were quick enough to wake up and fight back amongst them was Sara.”
He continued…“Later after the war I happened to meet Mr. Broad who was one of the inmates and he told that after they were attacked they dueled for sometime and ran away from the hideout. They didn’t find Sara. After they ran they stayed around the hideout to know where Greyback and his mates were. Then he saw them coming out and going off in a hurry and he saw them dragging someone along. Broad went back to our hide out and found that Sara was gone, and the place where she would sleep was all in a mess and there was a huge pool of blood as if some used Sceptumsempra. He assumed that the one they were dragging to be Sara. He felt pathetic. He couldn’t do a thing for the person who helped him and his friends so much. He didn’t know where they had taken her, nothing. He assumes her to be dead.”
“so you assume that Greyback and his mates were called to go in search of Harry, Ron and Hermione?” asked Percy
“I don’t know. I doubt that because Ron told that they found them in that forest was a complete unfortunate coincidence,” said Bill and Ron nodded.
“but I don’t think that Sara was captured by Greyback,” said Gorge thoughtfully
“we cant guess it Gorge. Has she ever told you anything about where she was during the war and what happened around her?” asked Ginny curiously
“No she hasn’t? that is what is so irritating about her,” he said
“yeah she doesn’t trust people easily, well that’s good sometime,” said Bill
“well…not all the time,” said Mr. Weasley for the first time and they all nodded.
“I want to meet her and thank her for all what she has done for us being a foreigner. I don’t even know if she knows that Remus is no more. She had great respect for that man,” Bill said
“Bill it was a war. There is no need of thank you and welcomes for that. We were in trouble and we needed help and she was there to help like all of us in her own small way and moreover she herself needed help in searching for her own friend so it’s like everyone has helped everyone and this war wasn’t only fought by one country or two, many other countries had to bear the burns of it too”, said Ginny. Bill looked at his younger sister’s talk. “how mature she has become?” he thought and smiled and nodded.
“ok let her get alright then we can go and meet her. Anyways I will be going to Hogsmeade again in a week or two maybe then you can accompany me,” said Gorge
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Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:04 AM.