Okay, I just HAD to post this. Bwahahahaha!
SPOILER!!: Evolette on Dominic Denton
Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
Evolette lost track of everything else they had just talked about. All she could think of was Willow and Dominic. Dominic and Willow. Kissing and poetry and... GROSS!
Out of pure curiosity, Evolette craned her neck, narrowing her eyes as she glared at Denton, trying to make out from the distance, if he had soft kissable lips.
He did.
Dominic Denton was totally kissable!
Evolette was going to die. How could someone so hot be so extremely annoying? Forget that even, how could Willow and Dominic like eachother?
It did not compute. Her brain was going to explode.
She snapped her head back to look at Willow, wrinkling her nose. There were so many things she wanted to say to her friend at that moment but all she could get out was.....
Annnnnnd. LOL. I love this kid already.
SPOILER!!: Legend Chosen everyone!
Originally Posted by
Legend smiled as the girl with the dark hair answered him. That was good. He was kinda scared that they would ignore him. "Talking is cool. So is ice cream! What kinda ice cream?" He wanted ice cream!!!
Did...the girl with the dark hair just called him kid? KID. Legend was certainly NOT a kid. He was 10! Almost 11! That was no where near being a kid. Maybe 9 or 8 was being a kid but not 10! "I'm not a kid! I'm ten! Which is only three years till thirteen, which is half of twenty six!" Ha! Take that. Legend took a few second to calm down before answering her question"And my name's Legend Chosen. Whats yours?" He asked as he held out his hand. That's what older people did right? Shake hands?
Boys with cooties? Um that was impossible duurrrr. What was with this girls? One called him kid and the other thought BOYS were the ones with cooties. Jeesh, Hogwarts really wasn't teaching them anything. "Boy's don't have cooties. It's a known fact that cooties came from girls." No it wasn't. But it just sounded smarter .