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Yaya Melinda smiled wide when she heard his thoughts. Maybe...will you be here for Christmas? It all depends on my time, but I promise to come here once in a while... She answered.
Yeah of course I will be here for Christmas. I always am. You promise to come once while I'm here? I missed you too much this term Chris answered.
Helena smiled as he started playing again. She settled back into the couch, making herself a little more comfortable, and didn't feel at all odd or awkward just watching him play the intricate notes in the song. She looked up at Chris himself as he spoke to her, her smile widening a little bit. Yeah, fifth year. Almost sixteen, though, she reminded him, still smiling. Why'd you ask?
Chris looked back up at Lena when he heard her answer. "
Oh I just forgot and I was wondering." He told her. "
I like have short term memory loss some times." He said and laughed. He kept playing but still looked up at Lena.