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Old 04-24-2009, 01:32 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Posts: 175

Hogwarts RPG Name:
ginny girl
First Year
Hufflepuff A super long post to wet your appetite!

Chapter Eleven: The Day After
3 May 1998
"Dear Journal,
Yesterday from Midnight on was a chaotic mess. Bodies lay every where. I was told to stay in the Room of Requirement but Harry, Ron and Hermione discovered where the horcrux was at and it was the 'lost' diadiem of Ravenclaw, which was returned to its home here in the castle. I joined the fray because Harry needed the Room. Dora and Mrs Longbottom also joined in. Unfortunatly Dora, Remus, and Fred were killed, Mom and Dad are upset of course but this was a war and lives are to be lost and it is expected. Harry handed himself over to Voldemort and he 'killed' Harry. Neville did something unexpected. He killed Nagini! The battle resumed and moved into the Great Hall. It was three on one, Bellatrix versus Hermione, Luna and I, while Voldemort versus McGonagall, Kingsley and Slughorn. I was almost killed by the Killing Curse, boy was Mom mad as ever. Half the people nearest the women were watching Mom duel Bellatrix to the death. Guess who won! Mom! Never touch her children! Voldemort blasted his attackers with a flick of his wand. Harry casted the Sheild Charm so powerful that no one could get through. Harry calmly told Voldemort to feel remorse. No can do, knowing Voldemort. So using Malfoy's wand Harry casted the disarming jinx. 'Ding Dong Voldy's Dead'! The War is Over!! This morning Harry asked me to go for a walk with him. He popped the question and I said yes. We have planned most of the wedding and we are getting married in July of next year.

"Ron, Ginny and I have something to tell you," Harry said, "we are getting married next July."

"Harry, are you mental!?" cried Ron, "Ginny is still in school!"

"Ron, I said NEXT July, or do you need me to clean your ears out?!" Harry bellowed, "I know Ginny is still in school. We have most of the wedding planned." Harry glanced my way and grinned because I was telling Hermione the good news.

"Harry, we need to tell my mom and dad about us," I said.

"Don't worry. I already talked to your mom and dad. I asked for their permission to marry you." Harry replied.

"Well then, I know of a song I want to sing at the wedding," I said, "what about 'A Wonderful Guy'."

"What-from the South Pacific?" asked Harry, "how does it go?"

"I expect everyone of my crowd to make fun
Of my proud protestations of faith in romance
And they'll say I'm naive
As a babe to believe
Any fable I hear from a person in pants!
Fearlessly I'll face them and argue their doubts away
Loudly I'll sing about flowers and spring!
Flatly I'll stand on my little flat feet and say
Love is a grand and a beautiful thing!
I'm not ashamed to reveal the world-famous feeling I feel
I'm as corny as Kansas in August
I'm as normal as blueberry pie
No more smart little girl with no heart
I have found me a wonderful guy!
I am in a conventional dither
With a conventional star in my eye
And you will note
There's a lump in my throat
When I speak of that wonderful guy.
I'm as trite and as gay
As a daisy in May
A cliche coming true!
I'm bromidic and bright
As a moon-happy night
Pouring light on the dew!
I'm as corny as Kansas in August
High as a flag on the Fourth of July
If you'll excuse
An expression I use
I'm in love,
I'm in love,
I'm in love,
I'm in love,
I'm in love with a wonderful guy!" I sang, "Professor Snape let everyone excluding the Slytherins performed the play. I was Nellie Forbush."

"Who played whom?" Harry inquired. I handed him the program.

"You will never believe that Zacharius looked so good in a coconut bra and grass skirt! Ernie was a good Emilie, but I prefered it was you that should have that part." I said, "Luna was Bloody Mary, Neville was Joe Cable."

OOA: The mother of the boys I babysit made it thru her surgery, but she is sore for a few days!
HP Fan for LIFE

Last edited by daydreamer; 04-27-2009 at 10:43 PM.
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