Double chapter post!
Chapter Nine: Uneasy Times
"Hi, Neville," I said when I saw him, "did you have a good holiday?"
"Yes and no. Every year Gran takes me to see my parents in St. Mungos, but this year we couldn't. They said no visitors on a holiday especially to the Aurors who were in the Janus Ward!" cried Neville, "Gran was ready to blow her cap! I couldn't believe it! Gran wrote to the Daily Prophet telling them about the Hospital refusing visitors."
"I'm as corny as Kansas in August, High as a flag on the Fourth of July, If you'll excuse an expression I use, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with a wonderful guy!"
Man, Muggle Studies and the Dark Arts are boring! As long as we get the work done, it's fine but this is worse than Professor Binns on a hot day!
Chapter Ten: The Calm before the Storm
29 April 1998
"Dear Journal,
Well, how can I tell you this, but, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were captured by Greyback and his gang of snatchers late last month. When Ron was caught, we had to go into hiding. I was on Easter Holiday when they were nailed. I miss Harry, thank God Bill stopped by to bring Ollivander and Auntie Muriel's tiara back. Bill told me that the trio are okay and are at his place and safe. I told him to send my love along. I hope Dora is okay, now that she is due to have her baby anyday.
"What is it, Adromeda?" I asked
"Dora had her baby! It's a boy!" Adromeda excalimed, "his name is Theodore Remus Lupin."
"Who are his godparents?" Mom asked pointedly.
"Why, Ginny and Harry are! Remus is over at Bill and Fleur's place telling Harry," Adromeda said.
"Congratulations to Dora," I said, thinking "Me a godmother- I'm only sixteen for God sakes!" I have a hard time not thinking about Harry as it is. A few days later I received a message on my DA coin that Hermione created a couple of years ago.
"Potter back--Return to school!" it said. I completely forgot about the fact that Fred and George had the coins too.
"Ready Ginny?" they asked together.
"Are you going too?" I inquired.
"Yep! We are part of the DA!" they both replied. We ended up sneaking out of the house and apparating to Hog's Head.
"Through there." Aberforth said pointing through the portait hole.
"Thanks!" we said.
HP Fan for LIFE