Chapter Eight: Christmas Memories
25 December 1997
"Dear Journal,
Mom is disappointed today because Bill and Fleur will not be here, but, as a girl I completely understand that she hated Celestina Warbeck. I still remember last year's celebration. I received from Mom and Dad a Weasley jumper with my and Harry's initals in it, a ton of my twin brothers products including a female pygmy puff (a compainion for Arnold), Bill and Fleur sent a miniature Tour de Effiel with working lights from their honeymoon in Paris. Before I was banned from Hogsmeade, I got the Christmas shopping done. I got Ron a new set of Dress Robes, Harry a book called 'A History of Modern Wizards' by Rachel Bartholf (who is a well renown modern wizarding historian) and Hermione a beautiful necklace with the words sisters forever. I taught myself to knit the muggle way, and I knitted Mom and Dad a beautiful bedcover with their initals and wedding date embroidered in it. I can't wait to see their faces when I give it to them. Luna was snatched from the train before we got to London. I hope that Luna will be all right.
"Oh Ginerva, how beautiful!" exclaimed Mom, "Did you make this?"
"Yes, I did, and would you believe I taught myself to knit the muggle way," I explained, "and it is for your bed." I figured they would love it. Dad was shocked at the fact that I could knit in the muggle way. By the look on Dad's face he really loved my gift.
Hey to all my readers, I'm might post again tomorrow night, then again I might not I am going to be super busy with the boys I babysit for rest of the week, their mom is having surgery on Wednesday morning and I might post then!-Rachel