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Maddox decided at this point it would be best to completely ignore Lima, or he would explode.
Maddox scrunched his eyebrows and pursed his lips at her, before replying, "More like I have been everywhere around Hogwarts, and you were nowhere to be seen all term." He felt her hand on his chin. It was soft and warm. He thought about her proposition for a while. But wasnt sure about it. "I dont know Pen. I have a lot to do at all three of my estates this summer. I'm going to referbish the Nottingham and the Madrid estate and have to check on business at the French estate. It's possible, but, I am not quite sure yet." He sighed, and gave her a sad face. He wanted to hang out with Penny so badly. He was hoping she would help him figure out some things with his estates, but that idea was out the window now.
Penny rolled her eyes.
"You know how I get when I am studying. I hide. Remember?" she asked him. Penny frowned at Mads said face. She was not going to let it affect her like she has in the past.
"If you are going to be busy at all three, you won't make it out." she said pouting. She stuck out her bottom lip like she was two.
"Maybe I could push it back a month?" she said thinking out loud and crossed her arms at looked at him.