Originally Posted by
stan lanevski
Charlie nodded. "Really? Well I am must say I am sorry I worried him like that." He told Melinda. But then he saw her touch her chest. And was she out of breath? "Umm Melinda are you alright?" He asked not know anything about her heart problems.
"Sure sure. How about we both head into the kitchen then. I believe Emily and Nick are in there. Chris's mother and brother." Charlie said clarifying who he was talking about.
As Emily heard her husband and someone else walk into the kitchen she turned around. She say a young girl with him. "Oh you must be Melinda Chris as told us so much about you." She said with a warm smile.
Chris heard his mum start talking to Melinda. Great just great. He said as his ears began to turn red.
The pain passed. He must be near...Melinda thought. But how would Dante know her location? "Of course, I just had a little breakout...it will be over in a second." She mentioned and tried to smile to Mr. Kaplan.
Melinda walked along into the kitchen. There Chris's mom and brother were talking until Mel and Mr. Kaplan arrived. This was the family she wanted, not the life she was having at Marseilles. "Hello, Mrs. Kaplan...it's nice to finally meet you..." She might have blushed, again when Emiliy mentioned Chris talked to them about her.
Don't you worry...I don't bite... Melinda's thoughts were passed through a thought.