Originally Posted by
Miss Lissy Lou
Cale smiled and hugged his girlfriend back. After a speech that awesome, he really didn't have much more to say. That summed it up perfectly. He sighed and looked down at his bare robes again and shook his head. "Yeah, it feels weird not being prefect anymore. And honestly, I've been waiting for a moment to come where I just...freak out about graduating, and it hasn't happened. Yet," he muttered with a small chuckle.
He looked up at Dominic entered the compartment. "Oh, hey Denton," he said with a small smile. True, him and the Hufflepuff prefect weren't the best of friends or anything--they sort of, tolerated each other. "Yea, break should be fun--my last big vacation before the job hunting begins," he added with a slight frown. Boooooooooooo for working and being an adult.
Grabbing ahold of Cale's hand, Anna smiled and scooted closer to him. "It does feel weird, but something tells me you're going to move on to something bigger and better. I can just see it now---'MR. CALEB NEWELL, MINISTRY DEPARTMENT HEAD'---etched into a plaque on a doorway somewhere in the Ministry of Magic. This isn't the end you know. It's the beginning of the rest of your life," she said. "Then, after you're good and settled in at the Ministry, a year later
another name will be etched into a plaque on a
different doorway---'MRS. ANNA NEWELL, POTIONS RESEARCHER.' We're going to have quite the future, you know, and lucky for us, it's only just beginning." Anna grew quiet as Cale started to talked to Dom. Cale's days with his school friends were numbered, but Anna would get to keep him for forever...and ever.