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Old 04-19-2009, 07:52 AM   #186 (permalink)
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Default Chapter 40 Part 1

Hey guys sorry it took so long. I still don't have internet up and running at my new place. Here's a bit from the next chapter. I hope you enjoy. Sorry it's so short. I'll hopefully be able to post more soon.



Chapter 40: Girl Talk

The rest of the term flew by for everyone. Tori and Severus’s relationship kept improving, with them only getting into a few fights, but always making up. To them it seemed like everything was finally falling into place. Soon enough it was time to put the finishing touches on Draco and Shannon’s wedding plans.

“I can’t believe I’m finally getting married next week.” Shannon told Tori in an extremely excited voice.

“Me neither. I can honestly say that last year during my 7th year, I never would have been able to imagine myself married and pregnant and you on your way down the isle, just one year later. It seems odd, but it has worked for us, so I can’t complain.

“I know, me too. It’s weird how everything worked out for us, despite the bit of drama on the way.”

“It was worth it in the end. If Severus hadn’t gone to the Malfoy’s that day to trade out the potions, I never would have had to create a potion to bring him back to me. That means that Fawkes would have not been able to help us with Severus’ problem, and I wouldn’t be expecting this bundle of joy.” Tori told Shannon as she put her hands on her overly large stomach and grinning like a crazy woman.

“Ooh, the baby kicked. Give me your hand, you have to feel this. I swear, the closer I get to my due date the more active this baby becomes.”

“Holy…how do you even get through the day when they’re this active? Can you even sleep at night?” Shannon squealed as soon as she put her hands on Tori.

“Honestly it depends on the night, most of the time the baby cooperates with my sleep schedule. When the baby becomes too active at night, I’m usually able to catch some sleep during my breaks from classes.”

“I don’t think I’d be able to handle that, but time will tell. I’m sure that Draco will want a child or two, you never know what the future will bring.”

“That’s for sure, who would have guessed we would all end up this way.” Tori said with a smile on her face.

Last edited by chaostori1985; 05-31-2009 at 10:03 PM.
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