Mawookiee ★ Stitch ♥ her 2 owners ★ H-O-C-K-E-Y From the fact she shook her head and that she look away, everything was starting to drive him insane. Why wasn't she getting to the points. He wasn't very patient but this was using every once of control he was having on himself at the moment which meant that if she wasn't spilling out soon he wouldn't be able to handle it any more.
It only start with some none understantable stuff but end up with a bam. So her uncle was a Krum, the same Krum that was related to his mother which meant he was related to him. If he trully understand what it all meant it means she, the girl in the compartment, Lena, she was related to him too or something like that. It took him few minutes to get a grip to all that. He had some family he had no clue he had. Shock spread on his face. "NO WAY!!!!!!!!?!" His teeth grinned together as he was repressing some anger. "What else am I going to find out on my own." Whispering between his teeth barely hearable. He took back control of himself after few breath. Looking down and back to her, he gave her an appologizing look. "Sorry... So... I guess it means we're related." This was probably the kind of things he would have never expected. Talking about a graduation surprise. GUSH!!!
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