The first thing you notice when you step into the office is all the interesting do-hickeys. A lot of them are similar to the ones that had been in place when Cassandra Rae was headmistress but, there were a number of new ones as well. The most notable aspect of the space was the seemingly disorganized nature of it. Books, parchment, quills, ink, instruments, cauldrons, phials, and all number of items littered the shelves and any other flat surface available. You couldn't see the top of the desk and it was surprising that the seats were even available. Aside from the chairs (or at least most of them), the only thing not covered in various bits and pieces is the elegant baby grand piano stuffed in a corner of the crowded room.
The headmaster is a tall, relatively young, wizard with unkempt robes and dirty plastic glasses. He looks more like the auror he'd been than the headmaster he's become, a big brother rather than an authority figure. He smiles as you walk in (assuming you got past the gargoyle, that is

OOC: Any posts from those who do not go through the Gargoyle's Entrance and either know the password or escorted through will be deleted without warning or notice.