here's the second post: Sara Mehera...
“Sara…”, screamed Rosmerta. She went near her and bent down to take a good look at the girl.
“honey what happened? Why are you covered with blood?”
“Madam Rosmerta she has fainted lets take her upstairs,” said Gorge in a panic stricken voice. He conjured a stretcher put Sara on it and hovered it to the apartment upstairs. Once in the apartment they straight went to the room where Sara was staying and laid her down on her bed.
“where in the name of Merlin has this girl been to?” asked Gorge furiously
“I…I don’t know, she takes leave almost every fortnight and returns back”, she said
“with scars and wounds on her body?” he asked anger in his voice
“I…don’t know where she goes,” she said shaking her head
“I have observed that many times,” he said. Rosmerta quickly went in to the bathroom and brought a vial and poured the contents in to a mortar mixed it with some nectar of Zane flowers and started applying it to the wounds.
“what’s that? Nectar of Zane flower? Where did that come from? We don’t get Zane flowers here. They are magical plants of Asia,” Gorge said
Rosmerta just nodded and continued to apply it on Sara’s hands and face.
“Madam Rosmerta are you hiding something about this girl from me?”, he asked
She sighed and looked at him and said, “you know she is foreigner”
“yes I do”
“she came here in search of her friend during the war time. She has been here and has roamed around quite a lot. During the final battle she was at the far of cave. Hagrid found her there after he went to the cave for some work”
“buckbeak,” thought Gorge.
“he found her there and she asked him if she could get an accommodation any where. He was not ready to believe her and was thinking what to do when she told him that she has come in search of her friend and will leave as soon as she meets her friend and takes him away. Hagrid considered her after quite some time and brought her to me. I too didn’t want to take any risk but I don’t know what I thought but I allowed her to stay here. After few days she asked if she could work here. I didn’t understand why she wanted to work when she was getting an accommodation and a meal to eat, but then I allowed her and also paid her a little for her services. As her services were becoming very useful I started to pay her more and she in return worked here like she has known the customers very well and has worked here for quite some time. Few days later she asked me if I could give her a leave for 2 days and was fine with it. After so much of work I thought she deserved a break and I allowed her. Immediately after her 1st break she came back with few wounds here and there and she tried to hide it and avoided my questions but then one night she had a night mare and she was shouting and sweating. I was worried; I woke her up and got her talking. She wasn’t ready before but eventually she did. She came here in search of her friend who is a werewolf. They used to study in a school named Phoenix in a far away land in Asia. Their school too came under the attack of what looked like few death eaters and few of their own country people who believed in Dark Lord and Dark Arts. The death eaters wanted werewolves from all over the world to be on the Dark Lord’s side. Her friend was one to be taken away but before they came to him, he fled. Their school allowed only few werewolves to study and among them was her friend. Her friend didn’t want the school and her to be in danger and hence he left them. She wanted him back because their school was the only place which could have saved him or else he would have to face the danger outside. But he didn’t listen and left. She went after him and in search for him she reached here. She goes every fortnight in search of him hoping him to be still here because it seems she saw him during the war and wanted to take him back,” said Rosmerta.
“but Madam Rosmerta there can be every possible chance that he must have been dead if he was in the battle and how did she come to know that her friend was in Britain which is far away from her land?,” said Gorge
“I have no idea Gorge, but there is a possibility that he must have been alive and not have been in the war at all,” said Rosmerta. She looked back at the young girl’s face and looked at her robes fresh blood had started to ooze from her stomach and she quickly start to wipe it out. The gash was horrific. Gorge who saw this said, “Madam Rosmerta you take care of her I will send mum to help you,”
And she just looked up and nodded. Gorge left the room went to the hall in the apartment and used the fire place
“The Burrow,” he shouted.
“Mum, Mum where are you?” called out from the fire place.
“Gorge dear how are you? seeing you after a long time. How’s Angelina?” Molly Weasley a plump red headed woman was coming down the stairs after she cleaned the rooms up stairs when she heard her son Gorge’s voice. She was very happy to see him. He was not living with them now that he has an apartment of his own above their joke shop which he shared with his late brother Fred.
“I am fine mum and so is Angelina. She is at her work and I came here at Hogsmeade to check on Zonkos. I am in Madam Rosmerta’s apartment right now. I have a friend of mine who is badly injured. Can you come up and help Madam Rosmerta, please”
Molly frowned a bit and asked, “what kind of injury is it?”
“the gash is horrible mum, it is just like Bill had on his body the night he was attacked by Fenrir Greyback,” said Gorge. Molly frowned even harder and then she said, “tell Rosmerta to give her a preliminary medication I am coming in few minutes,”
With that Molly vanished upstairs again and Gorge went back to the room.
the name of the flower used is fictious. it is my creation. it has not been mentioned anywhere in the books.
hope you liked it so far...
Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:05 AM.