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Oh yeah this was really it,they were going home.
Having to drag a huge,heavy trunk onto the train had made that abundantly clear.Leaving it with all the others,Sarah set off in the direction of the back of the train.
Looking in through several compartments,including one that seemed to have an endless supply of students,she sighed.No-one she knew.
As far back as it was possible to go,Sarah found a compartment that was empty.Pushing the door open she wandered inside,put her bag on the floor,and plonked herself down on the seat.
Maybe someone I know will come by soon, she mused as she took out her book to begin reading.
Lasca had started at the front of the train and worked her way all the way to the back trying to find a friend or an empty compartment. Feeling dejected she glanced into the last cart and was rewarded.
"Sarah!" She opened the compartment door, Tundra peeked from around her ankles and meowed.
"Do you mind if we join you?" She was so tired and ready to sit down. She couldn't wait to see her Papa again. He was supposed to be meeting her at the station.