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She sighed at his response. "Jake... You are going to give me a hug before we get to the Station, right?" She hated it when he was so distant from her.
Then she raised her brow. "That was really nice of her." It was not her first choice for a pet, but whatever. And Kayla was a nice girl. Lima liked her.
Hoping to duck the question, Jake began to swing his legs beneath his seat. Maybe a bad idea for such a cramped space, but so be it.
"I wonder what I'll do when I get back," he mused out loud.
"Wonder what my dad is like... wonder if he's nice..." Jake added, staring sideways out of the window.
"Yeah," Jake nodded, lifting the tank again.
"She said I could have one when we found out her tarantula got pregnant... That was an... interesting day..." Bwaha!
Looking over at Paris' question, Jake looked out of the window and appeared to address the glass, but was talking to Paris' reflection.
"I'm finding my dad," he said.