Originally Posted by
Hawken Terrell
"Ssmmmmmppppp oooo," Cale made a scrunched up face and a sucking ooo sound as he set Robin down on an empty seat. "That looked like it hurt. You gonna need a headache potion?"
He slipped his travel bag full of mason jars, which tinkled and clanked together as he moved it, over his head and set it down on the seat next to Robin. "Last year down. I'll be spending the summer looking for work. Oh," he snapped his fingers. "And entering Robin here into the International Plant Breeders Competition in Acerbus." He pushed some hair off his forehead. "I'm hoping to take the blue ribbon in vocal plants this year." Stupid Oliver Grant.
did," Anna replied, finally removing her hand from atop her head. "I'll be alright, though. After six years of playing Quidditch and walking off that field with a bleeding and sometimes broken nose, I think I can handle a little head bang." Anna laughed softly and then watched as Cale positioned a travel bag full of...
glass?...above his head and then sat down next to his plant. "What's all that?" she asked, pointing to the travel bag. Cale Thornton was certainly one interesting guy. "Oh, well...good luck to you and Robin both, then. I have no doubt that your plant is vocally ready to take top prize."
Anna looked out the window for a few moments and then turned back to Cale. "Finished your seventh year, huh? I'm
entering my seventh year. Seems sort of scary, ya know. I suppose not to you, though. My Cale graduated, too. He's going off to the Ministry this Fall."