Double Agent Stamps! Just Another Interrogation 54. Dare I administer the Veritaserum to Cardoc Dearborn. After a few minutes he spills his guts. Rodolphus uses a Quick Quote Quill to make sure everything is written down. My job is done.
“If you don’t need me for anything else….” Severus inquires as he leaves the room.
“You’ve forgotten something,” Bella responds. “Dearborn is your responsibility.”
“I don’t do that!” Snape growls.
“The Dark Lord says you do. Do I have to double dare you?”
“I’m not a child Bella. Quit treating me like one,” Snape snaps at her.
“Then kill him already!”
Snape turns. “Avada Kedavra!!”
Dearborn slumps over.