Thread: The Staff Table
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Old 04-16-2009, 04:09 PM   #52 (permalink)

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Angela had been unusually quiet, choosing to simply observe the students and other professors as they filed in. Everyone seemed...normal? Particularly Max who had been acting very strangely in the library.

A blur of color suddenly shot through the Great Hall and with a loud 'plop' the Headmaster appeared in his chair. Angela blinked rapidly at the sudden appearance before laughing softly. Now that was what she would call a grand entrance.

Now visibly relaxing, she sipped juice from a goblet and smiled towards a few of the professors sitting by.

As the Headmaster made his speech, Angela applauded for the Ravenclaw victory, grinning towards the Claw table; her reaction more subdued than Max's hearty yell. "They certainly did do a great job this term, Max. Your..spirit this term must have really inspired them."
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