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Old 04-14-2009, 11:20 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Herminny View Post
"That sounds great, I saw Weasleys Wizard Wheezes and really wanted to take a look in there, it looked like such an intresting place, but I had no time with all the other things I had to do in diagon alley that day, it's a shame what happened to the twin bother of the owner, though he did die a noble death, I have read about it in quite a few history books in the library here".
Lucy sighed. It was a shame. "I've read that too. I think that a boy in your house was the twins nephew. I don't remember, but maybe." Lucy said. "If you dont mind my asking, what happened to your dad. You said you live with you mom." Lucy asked. She didnt want to seem pushy, but she was curious.
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