Originally Posted by
Mistress Vondella
Forrester took a seat at the staff table for the end of term feast. Hopefully, the students would remember more than his childish antics this term.
Reese nervously walked up to the staff table,looking for Professor Forrester.She still needed to apologize about losing the points she lost for geting detention.She already apologized in the Great Hall a few weeks ago,now she just had to apologize to her Head of House and Prefects.That wasn't so hard,riiiight?
Reese took in a deep breath and walked up to Professor Forrester. "Ummm-excuse me,sir.I just wanted to say I did something very foolish this term and I served my time in detention for it. But,also,I lost a few points.20 to be exact.So,sir,I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for losing these points,"she told him.She took her eyes off of him for a second to glance around the Great Hall then looked back at him. "I did get my points back,though.I earned 30 points." She nodded her head and stopped talking,waiting to see what Professor Forrester would say.