Originally Posted by
Melanie skipped into the great Hall, and began to walk toward her house's table for the feast...But it wasn't any feast...
It was the END-OF-TERM-FEAST and she didn't want it to be the end of the term, not at all. she didn't want to go back home to her dad's apartment and have to deal with her older brother. She wanted to stay here with Ana and Spence and Shana and Cadence and Ema...
And on that note... "Ema!" the first year shouted excitedly, running over to a seat right next to her and flinging herself down in it making it rock dangerously back and forth as she sat down, neither one of her feet touching the floor as she sat Indian style on the chair.
"Hey!" she said happily. At least unlike other older students Ema wouldn't be leaving and neither was Kaika which as enough to make her happy. Melanie hadn't exactly gotten close with any of the 7th years which was a bit of a pity, but at least she didn't have to be sad now...besides the whole going home part. That was sad enough. huff. But she wasn't going to think about that. Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope. Happy thoughts.
Emalyn had been busy plopping a scoop of mashed potatoes on her plate that she was startled when she heard her friend shouting and almost crashing down next to her. She looked up, her eyes wide, until she laughed.
"Hey you," she smiled, nudging Melanie.
"Can you believe it's the end of the year already? You'll be a second year soon!" Ema beamed and handed Melanie the pitcher of pumpkin juice.
"You want some?" Quote:
Originally Posted by
D.A Forever
Savannah looked composed. Calm, cool and collected.. on the outside. On the inside, well she was trying to ignore that. She was still very much so excited, and scared, and and longing to forget this was amongst the 'last time at Hogwarts' list. Tonight was the bittersweetest of them all, because it was the final night. And no matter how hard she tried shoving that from her brain, it wouldn't budge. Fact remained, she and Curt, and Dusty and Lexi and Fred would not be returning with the others next year. Kaitlynnh will be here, be happy about that; be happy for her. She encouraged herself, ocean blue eyes searching the great hall when she had finally made it past the giant oak doors.
She needed to see Professor Shackleton still, and sit with the Gryffindors for a little while too. She needed to say her goodbyes to Sarah atleast, and her other friends incase - and she knew it would happen, - there wasn't a chance before everyone went their seperate ways after Hogwarts Express arrives. But first, she would talk to her fellow house mates.
It wasn't but a moment until she spotted the smaller brunette, sitting practically by herself; she didn't appear to be talking to anyone. Savannah went straight to her, not bothering to try being quiet or sneaky because that failed when she tripped over her foot but didn't fall. She was getting good at regaining her balance just in time, no surprises there. "Emaaa!" Vannah greeted, hugging the second year from behind before claiming the seat beside her.
Emalyn grinned as she was hugged from behind. She knew that voice very well; the first person ever to speak to her in Hogwarts, on her first day...and now this was Vannah's last day. Emalyn choked back a lump in her throat as she looked up at her.
"Hey!!" she stood up and hugged her back.
"Haven't seen you too much," she commented, wrinkling her nose at the seventh year.
The last thing she wanted to do was to mention Vannah leaving to her face. She wanted to cling to her forever, never letting go; even though she hadn't been able to spend too much time with the girl, she had always seen her as something of a...well, a safety zone, maybe. An older sister...or umm...well, someone to depend on, that knew what she was doing. She would have to force Vannah to write when she departed...there was no way she was letting her go that easily.