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Eve walked into the Party Room.Her face lite up and her insides tingle.She did this..this was her idea..and it was a nice feeling to see people actually enjoying themselves because of something she came up with.With that,she mingled with people.She walked over to a tall dark stranger she hadn't spoken to in a long time."Hey Jake..or should I say stranger.."she said,smiling.She looked to the person who he was talking to,"Im sorry..How rude of me..Im Eve.."she said to the women.
"Hi Eve," he greeted her with a smile, then shrugged his shoulders and grinned apologetically at her as she called him stranger.
"Hey, I'm the ever busy Division Head and the caretaker of a flighty fifteen year old teenager," he said with a cheeky grin, lifting up his hands helplessly.
"Why don't you stop by my office later this week? We'll have a lengthy chat then, ok?" he invited her, already looking forward to the visit. The days that went by without any interruptions were the days the he usually got the least amount of work done due to pure boredom. However interesting his work might be to him, Jake couldn't go for more than a few hours without talking to somebody.