I'm ready!
Barry was early for once, he had of cource had nothing to do now. He hadn`t taken many things out of his trunk this term so packing didn`t take long. He couldn`t delay it much longer. The end of term was now here. It wasn`t that bad though, Cale and Tobi were the only ones leaving and they had never been very close to him.
Barry entered the hall and was supprised to see that it was mostly empty, was he really that early? He came in and took a seat accross from the ravenclaw girl scince he couldn`t see Cela or Livvy or some other Ravenclaw freind, and he would wait a while before going to the other tables.
Then he anylised the girl in frount of him, he had met her last year in the ravenclaw room, her name was Elizebeth or something right? He noted that she wasn`t wearing a prefect badge anymore and asked "What happened to the badge" rather stupidly.
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