Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" I came back to England so I could help on The Regan Taylor Campaign as well as back to work" J. J. told Jake. J. J. Starr likes Jake, he is a good guy. "Hope we can be friends" Joe Jon Montcenaggio remarked.
Jake nodded at his reply, agreeing with J.J on the Taylor Campaign bit whole heartedly.
"Sure we can. Maybe after work some day, we could go grab some drinks at the Leaky Cauldron or something?" he asked J.J with a friendly smile, glad to see that the only other male in this whole Department is as friendly as he is.
Originally Posted by
Alice tilted her head slightly...he looked oddly relieved as well, but Alice wasn't nosy enough to ask why though she was a bit curious.
So he was a division head. Wow, that must be a lot of work. It was probably worth it though... He must be pretty ambitious to take on that kind of occupation or just like working...
"You too." she replied politely, giving him a little nod as he shook her hand. It was easy to tell her was lost in thought, by the look on his face making Alice wonder just what he was thinking about, which again she didn't ask him about. Instead she busied herself with snatching a few more pretzels from the bowl on the counter.
It made her feel even more happy than she already was, hearing all the good things they had to say about Samantha. "That's good to hear." she said, honestly a smile creeping upon her face.
"Although the bad news is she'll be leaving soon, to be replaced by a former teacher at Hogwarts, I think," he said sadly, unable to keep the bitterness out of his voice. He couldn't imagine coming to work everyday without running into Samantha on the way to their respective offices, or when he had a few questions to go into her office and find some other woman in her seat, with different decorations and everything. The department won't ever be the same again.
Originally Posted by
Lily Lupin
Izzy walked into the party and saw a girl and guy she didn't recognize, and Jake. She grinned and walked over to Jake. "Hey Jake," She said looking around the room and she looked at the two people she didn't recognize. "Hello, I'm Izzy Hunters."
"Izzy!" he greeted her with relief.
Yay, someone that I know! "How are you, girl? Anything new on the horizon?" he asked her with a grin, finishing up his second cup of butterbeer.
"Have you run into Lucy lately? I haven't really seen her in a while, so I was hoping she might be coming to this party... Do you know?" he sounded hopeful as he asked her, hoping the Lucy would show up so that they could schedule a date of some sort.