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Old 04-13-2009, 11:10 PM   #16 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
" My name is J. J. Starr " he told Alice. "This is a fun deptarment to work in as well as a hard department to work in at the same time but Miss Samantha Rose is a great boss and makes it easy to work here" Joe Jon MontCenaggio said to Alice. He waited to shake her hand because she wanted to shake Jake's hand first.
Alice gave him a friendly smile and extended her hand for him to shake as well, nodding in agreement with what he said. She hadn't really started yet so she didn't know whether it was going to be fun or not, but Samantha had definitely seemed really friendly and nice...Good qualities for a boss to have. It was still a relief to here from one of the other employees that she had picked a good spot to work as well...

Originally Posted by fire_faerie View Post
Phew, so she is new - good. "I hope you're enjoying it so far - that was my division before I became Division Head," he said proudly but not cockily, remembering the fun times he had spent there; it was in that division that he had first met Lucy. His smile twitched slightly as he remembered how long ago it was since he had last talked to his girlfriend - way too long, in my opinion. "It's nice to meet you Alice, I'm Jake Rider," he said happily, snapping out of his thoughts and shaking her hand tenderly, reminding himself that this was a woman's hand he was shaking.

"Yes, she is indeed a great boss," Jake agreed with a grin as he thought of all the things Samantha had done for him over the past year. Both work-related and not, she has been a prominent figure in my life and I'll never forget her, even after she leaves. After all, without her help I wouldn't ever have met Rachel.
Alice tilted her head slightly...he looked oddly relieved as well, but Alice wasn't nosy enough to ask why though she was a bit curious.

So he was a division head. Wow, that must be a lot of work. It was probably worth it though... He must be pretty ambitious to take on that kind of occupation or just like working...

"You too." she replied politely, giving him a little nod as he shook her hand. It was easy to tell her was lost in thought, by the look on his face making Alice wonder just what he was thinking about, which again she didn't ask him about. Instead she busied herself with snatching a few more pretzels from the bowl on the counter.

It made her feel even more happy than she already was, hearing all the good things they had to say about Samantha. "That's good to hear." she said, honestly a smile creeping upon her face.
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