Chapter 9-Purebloods, Mudbloods, and Kisses For some reason, Draco found himself thinking about that new girl, Becky. She was kind of pretty actually, with her curly hair and vivid green eyes. “What am I thinking?!” he muttered to himself. “She’s not a pureblood, and she’s in Gryffindor!” Draco got into bed and shook his head. There was no way he actually liked her. As Becky got into bed that night, she couldn’t help but think of that blond boy at the Slytherin table. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had all told her he was nothing but trouble, but still he was kind of good-looking.
Over the next few weeks, Draco and Becky kept thinking of each other though they tried not to. Cho, Becky, and Flo became good friends. Maria pretty much gave up on Cho. It was late, but Becky decided to go for a walk to try and clear her mind. Tonight she was thinking about Draco more than ever. She walked outside and stood looking at the stars for a while. After a bit she got cold and decided to go back in. As she was turning a corner she slammed into someone. “Hey! Why don’t you watch where you’re going!” that someone said. Becky started to reply “Why don’t you...” She stopped because the person she had run into was Draco? She tried to finish her sentence, but found that she couldn’t. She looked up into Draco’s eyes, and he was looking into hers. They started moving closer and closer until their lips met in a kiss. When they pulled apart they were silent for a moment. Then Draco looked away and said “How could I of done that?! She’s just a mudblood!” Becky looked at him and her eyes filled with tears. She turned and ran back to the school.
i <3 a very potter musical!
Last edited by scarlet5890; 04-13-2009 at 09:30 PM.