Thread: Harry Potter: Goodbye Forever - Sa9+
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Old 04-13-2009, 09:19 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Chapter 8-Friends

After Flo stormed out of the room, she wasn’t sure where to go, so she let her feet carry her. She ended up by the Ravenclaw common room. Cho was standing there, by herself for once. Flo waved to her and she came over. “Hi Flo.” Cho said, smiling. Flo opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, tears came out of her eyes. Cho put her arm around Flo and led her outside. They sat down by a fountain. “My family!” Flo choked out. “I can’t stand them! Draco and my father only care about being purebloods and my mother never stands up to my father! And I’m no better! I’m going to start trying to stand up to him though. I’m going to be friends with people who aren’t purebloods.” Cho smiled “I can help you with that.” “How?” Flo asked. “By being your friend.” she replied. Flo hugged her and whispered “Thanks.” Maria had seen Flo and Cho go outside and had decided to follow them. She couldn’t believe Cho was hanging out with Flo! “Cho’s supposed to be my friend! Not that stupid Malfoy girl’s friend!” Maria and Cho had been best friends forever. Of course Cho had a lot of other friends, but she wasn’t as close to them as Maria. Maria had decided that this Malfoy girl was a threat. She couldn’t let Cho hang out with her!

i <3 a very potter musical!
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