Thread: Harry Potter: Goodbye Forever - Sa9+
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Old 04-13-2009, 03:06 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Chapter 5-Becky

Draco watched Flo sit down at the Slytherin table. He sighed quietly. He had hoped Flo would be in some other house besides Slytherin. But of course she would be in Slytherin. She was a Malfoy after all. He glanced over at Pansy. She was still jabbering away about who knows what. He cast a glance at the Gryffindor table and realized that Flo was not the only transfer from Beaubaxton. The girl looked like she was in the 5th year as well. She had green eyes and curly reddish-brown hair. She was talking to Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger. Draco scowled and looked away.
Flo too had noticed the new girl. She remembered the girl from her classes at Beaubaxton. Her name was Becky. Flo hadn’t know her very well because she was a muggleborn. She didn’t really care if you were muggleborn, half-blood, or pureblood, but her father certainly cared and you did not want to make him mad by hanging out with people who were not purebloods. But Flo decided that she didn’t care what her father thought anymore. She was going to make all kinds of friends here, no matter what kind of “blood” they were. After all her father had taken her away from her old friends.

i <3 a very potter musical!
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