Thread: Harry Potter: Goodbye Forever - Sa9+
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Old 04-11-2009, 06:53 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Goodbye Forever - Sa9+

Chapter 1-The New Girl

Florence Ann Malfroy gazed out the window at the unfamilier territory. She couldn’t believe her father was making her go to Hogwarts this year! She totally belonged at Beaubaxton with all her friends! Instead she was going to face her fifth year of school friendless and she wouldn’t know anyone but Draco, who was her twin brother. She didn’t really know if she liked her brother or not. Until now, they had gone to separate schools and durning the summer they mostly stayed away from each other, each having their own “important” things to attend to. Their mother suggested that they spend some time “bonding”, as she put it, on the train, but Draco went off with their cousin Zabbini Blaise, a girl who resembled a pug, and two other boys who seemed rather big, not to mention dumb. Flo looked around her empty compartment. Everyone else had their own friends to sit with and everywhere else had been full so she had ended up in a compartment by herself. Just then the door opened and a girl with long, straight black hair came in and said “Mind if I sit here?”

i <3 a very potter musical!

Last edited by scarlet5890; 04-12-2009 at 01:20 PM. Reason: spelling :)
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