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Tomasina Riddle you and Conner have a huge problem with Twilight, and I must admit I have some huge problems with the books too
but I still like reading them..I love vampires...what can I say
I hope I quoted that right!!! I am also obsessed with vampires!! Ever since reading Twilight and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( I like Spike, he is cool and a good vampire like Angel!!!)
Really good interview you two!!!! Congrats Tegan, how do you feel about it? Good idea to have entered it though and you know with me I don't write my ideas down normally. I start writing them as stories but they never turn out very well since I don't finish them!!! I enjoy Fan fic writing and recently "handed" one in about my RPG character so soon that will probably be up. Doubt it will be very popular though since my other 2 fan fics aren't. I just can't keep 'em going. I am struggling to do short posts so I will make them end sooner and then I won't have to worry. I don't want it to go inactive though!!!!!