Center hoop = scored! Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! One hoop down, two to go. And hopefully she would not have to try two times per goal hoop to complete the task--she was not sure that there would be time for failure! Juniper nearly dropped her third Quaffle because of the slimy coating of marshmallow creme on her hands, but she managed to grip it firmly enough to be confident as she flew toward the center goal hoop.
She could do this. She knew she could. She was like the little red fire engine that could, right? If she thought she could hard enough... then she would! And then she would look back on this day in pride, and tell everybody that she succeeded just because she told herself to.
Or not.
After all, this was like Quidditch, and Quidditch was not luck. It was all skill and tactics. Skill she had, and she knew plenty of tactics, so that should be her golden ticket to success. The girl was just as confident--or perhaps more so--than the little engine that could, but then came an obstacle.
That giant wad of marshmallow which she had avoided earlier? That was stuck to her broom's tail, apparently. Juniper squeaked as her broom tipped slightly backward, nearly throwing her off-balance. She needed to get the giant marshmallow wad off her broom! She would be unable to fly otherwise! Settling for a zigzag pattern, Juniper heaved a sigh of relief when half of the wad detached itself from her broom and fell to the earth. Half of a giant marshmallow wad she could deal with, she was certain.
So with a heavy broom, a slimy, sticky Quaffle, and marshmallow in her ear and hair, Juniper sped toward the center hoop, the Quaffle poised to be thrown.
Steady... steady... throw!
Juniper threw the Quaffle at the last minute and swerved away from a near collision with the hoop. As the girl flew back to the center of the pitch, she glanced over her shoulder just in time to see the Quaffle glide through the center hoop. She was victorious! |