Huffie Through and Through
Ana waited for the quaffle and when she came she flew to it and catched it. wow that was cool! It would be cool to play quidditch!
The marshmallonw thing missed her face for mm. Uff!
Ana flew to the hoop in the center and tossed the quaffle through it. Yeah her first goal!
She flew back to the second quaffle, but this time the marshmallow goop hit Ana right in the face Arghhhh! She cleaned it and was able to catch the quaffle. Once again she flew to the hoop, now the one on the left.
With her face and clothes full with the marshmallow goop she flew to the last round. Ana almost fell trying to catch the last quaffle but lucky she catch it and flew towards the right hoop. Yeah! She finished it.
Finally she flew to the red rectangle and started cleaning herself.