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Amelie Nathan smiled towards Becky. “Forever? Is that a good thing?” He teased her lightly.
“Less than a week?” Nathan's eyebrows raised. Merlin... he hadn't realised there was so little time left. Tomorrow, he'd have to lock himself in room away from the kids and noise and really try and get to grips with this. But tonight... tonight, Egypt had promised him a KFC bargain bucket in front of a muggle DVD and nothing would tear him away from spending the evening with his favourite three things.
As Brian asked him where he would prefer to work, he grew silent for a moment. On one hand, there was the possibility he would get to see his daughter if he went to Hogwarts, but on the other... there was all those pretty ladies and a comfy seat for his bum in the Leaky. Sheesh.. what a decision! Deciding to take the diplomatic route, he said, “Could I do a bit of both?” heh! Good thinking Batman...
“Yes.. thanks, mate.” Nathan replied with a grin as Brian congratulated him on his marriage, a little taken back by his enthusiasm. Though it was refreshing, and Nathan appreciated the gesture. “And congratulations to you too. You got yourself a lovely girl there.” He smirked over at Becky. He chuckled lightly as Brian said that he and Becky planned on taking them on in the kids stakes. “Yeah, yeah.. we have seven little buggers. You can take a few of them off our hands if you like.” He teased. Seven kids. Seven. It sounded so many when said out loud.
Becky seemed offended by something Brian had said. Did he miss something? Probably knowing Nathan. Running a hand through his hair feeling a little awkward, he turned his attention to the posters Brian had made, trying to get some inspiration for his own work.
Becca nodded "Forever is a good thing" she grinned, then Nathan said that Brian had got himself a lovely girl and smirked at her, she cleared her throat quietly and looked down "Haha, nah, we're gonna let you keep them" she grinned, seeing him run his hand through his hair, she frowned, she seemed like a pro at making people uncomfortable.