Thread: Jenn's Poems
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Old 08-25-2003, 03:51 PM   #24 (permalink)
radcliffes~girl's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Here's another "on the spot" poem

My Special Memory

The beating of the music
Pounds through my heart
The floor rumbles
The music is so loud
And yet, between us
There's silence
So soft and quiet
I can hear my friends next to me
We could talk
But we couldn't hear each other over the music
So loud, so close
Pounding into my head
But we don't want to talk
It would distrupt the silence between us.

The floor rocks with the music, swaying, swaying
You fall if you're still
And yet, we're standing
Practically standing
Except swaying to the beat
Of the music

There's a bubble around us
So quiet, so calm, so still
So peaceful
So right
So perfect
I don't think it could get better

We're connected
The most powerful connection in the world
Tidal waves of emotion are burstinginside me
We're one

As quickly as it starts, it stops
The beat changes, it's new music
I'm left with the memory of that moment
Tatooed into my head forever
Uneraseable for all eternity
And it's mine
My own
My special memory


Hey, that didn't come out too bad! I kinda like it!!!!! Tell me what you think!!!!

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