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Old 04-08-2009, 01:26 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post

Hands clasped behind his back, Clifford rocked back and forth as the girl picked out her outfit. She seemed better at this than he was. It was probably just best to let her get on with things.. right, he didn't wanna mess up!

Ooooh! But a mirror? That he could do. "Over on the wall there," he pointed towards the full length mirror Dumont had kindly supplied for them, "and I'd go for the second shirt.. that first one's a bit..." Scary? Freaky? Yeah..

"And for jeans and trainers, over there,"
he pointed on the racks opposite where she got her shirts. "There's a girls and a boys section." YAY!
"Thanks," Nia said, heading towards the mirror. Once there, she put everything down except the two t-shirts, and held each one up in turn. "Yeah, I see what you mean, the eyes are a bit freaky." She alternated the t-shirts again, twirling as she looked in the mirror. "Plus the green and purple will match my accessories." Oh yes, Nia was gonna look awesome! Maybe she needed some dark eye liner too, to finish off the look. She wasn't gonna go for the weird war paint looking effect though - too messy.

She returned the Rey Mysterio top to the rack neatly, and headed over to look at the jeans. "What colour do you reckon? Blue or black? And maybe a purple belt? Do you have those?" She smiled at the Slythie Prefect slightly apologetically, she wasn't sure if the guy was into fashion, but Nia wanted to get the look just right to fit in perfectly.
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