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"Okay Freya, that will be $255 dollars please for you're flight and map and event ticket", Herminny said waiting for the girls response.
Freya sorted through the muggle money and took out the exact change, then handed it over to the younger girl. She had never really felt muggle money before. Sure, the eighteen year old had seen it before, but never really up close. It was all strange and...papery...and greeny.
Wait. How did this one know her name? Had Freya gotten popular overnight? Nah, never. But that was the way she liked it.
She waited in order to be given her purchases,
'Wait. Do I need an, um, what is it called? Two-way ticket? Hmm. Nope. If worst comes to worst, I'll apparate back to Hogsmeade and hike up to the castle again from there.'
Freya only hoped that she had picked the right location.
'It has to be! I need to stop doubting myself.