♥My Very 1st Tag | ~Filofax:Forever~ | ~Evil Slythie~ | Chris' Caretaker♥ 'Where is everyone else supposed to go?' Freya wondered to herself. She had a strong feeling that she knew what city she was meant to go to...though that didn't stop her from being a little hesitant in her final decision.
Nevertheless, Freya went up to one of the counters, "I'd like a ticket to Houston, Texas...please." Right? Wasn't that the place? Oh darn, if Freya was to go there, she'd need to get some different clothes. "Oh, and can I have a map as well...along with my 'event' ticket for what is to be going on there." She gave a look that said, 'You know the one I mean...'. These kids had jobs here, they should get the hint, they should know. No sense in letting the cat out of the bag. "I believe it should be taking place in the Reliant Stadium."
Last edited by EquestrianGal88; 04-07-2009 at 05:59 PM.