Oooh. I've got a pretty melodramatic title, haven't I? Anywho...
Hey strangers! I haven't been active on SS in say... 2-3 years? So, yeah, I don't really expect to be remembered or anything. *sigh* Anyway, I still adore the site, and decided to give out a bit, so if anyone is in need of a graphics maker (not that there aren't lovely ones set up already), I'm here. :]
I will get them done as soon as possible so long as my schedule permits, but you'd want to see examples before you decided you wanted my services, right? ;]
First off:
I'm not crazy into textures. I do use textures (as evidenced by my examples) but I use them very...sparingly.
My color themes are usually tidy...and aren't wacky and fun. ;]. I'm obsessive compulsive, k? Or, at the very least, I've got some pretty severe tendencies. You'll have to let me know if you want a lot of bright colors and I'll see what I can do.
Happy themes usually aren't my deal, but I'd love to try them to improve!
My Schuyler banner in my sig *points* is my latest.
If you want anything like Viv's (the circles), Kameko's (bracket), or Emmett's (bracket again), they are in .png format, and sadly will result in being too large of a format for SS. :[ However, if you'd like one for another site, I'd gladly do 'em!
(These are mainly my characters/requests, so please do not use them. If you want a sig or av, I'll make it, so it would be really pointless to steal anything I have up as an example)


Some of the avs are 150x150, because some sites allow that. Anyway, I would like credit, if you will, and in addition, just to make it easier on me, fill out this form:
Request Form::: Picture source: Either link directly to pictures or tell me what you want.
Style: Dark, light; sad, happy?
Size: In pixels (if you want an av too, give me sizes. Standard sizes: 65x65 (AIM use), 100x100 (typical forum, like SS), and 150x150 (some IF RPG sites allow it).
Signature/Avatar/Both: I'd prefer just to do signatures unless you want an avatar to match.
Text: Anything you want written besides the name.
Font type: Blocky, script, serious, fun, dark, blahdiblahdiblah...
Where You'll Be Using It: You don't have to use it on SS, but if you use it somewhere else, let me know. Just so I know you're not taking credit and are giving credit (include name/nickname/site for credit).