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Oh, if only he could touch her hand to comfort her! "Dear Helena... You know that I would never believe your motives to be less than pure. You of course have my forgiveness, if any is desired, though I do not think you acted in poor judgment. Far from it, in fact... and may I say, I greatly admire the workmanship that went into your magical device! However... " he eyed Celadine-hopped-up-on-SHUUUUGAAAAARRRR!!!!!, "as it seems we may soon be visited by the afflicted, perhaps you could help restore them to their former selves? It seems we have many affected professors, and I believe your treasure is not in jeopardy at their hands. You may have judged correctly that it is in jeopardy... But not from the masters of this school, my dear."
"I shall do what needs to be done, my dear." Helena floated over to where she had cast her original spell and her ghostly lips moved in silence as her hands made an upward scooping motion. A faint lavender glow arose and vanished. "What was done has been undone, now let the remedy take hold." She reached upwards with her hands and moved them about in a fluid, circular motion. A pale tangerine light appeared between her hands and she placed it before the mirror.
"Bring your beloved professors to this room and beckon them to touch the glow. Once all who have been afflicted pass, this glow will cease to last."