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"Ah, that makes sense! I thought my eyes were just deceiving me!" Nia laughed. "Handy that he knew that though, cos it made your area of the stands pretty impressive." She shook back her blonde hair trying to flatten it from where is had fluffed up from flying. Cela's next words made Nia's jaw drop. "The Slythies? Honestly?" Nia frowned. She knew of one Slytherin who wouldn't have been supporting Ravenclaw. Her brother. If he had managed to show at all that is.
"Well, I certainly enjoyed the atmosphere. It was a thrill to fly today, with so much support." Finishing her cookie, Nia eyed Cela's cake. "Good?" she questioned, gesturing towards it. "Real good food for after sport!" she said with a chuckle.
"That was the plan!" Cela grinned, "I'll write more cheers for next term!" She nodded at the Slythie question, "Oh sure, Paris was cheering for us and so were Clifford and Evangeline. I think there were others too, but I got too excited cheering myself."
Cela nodded earnestly, still unawares of the tiny dot of cream on her nose, "Really good." she enthused.
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"Cela it is, then," Melina smiled as brightly as she could at that moment. It hurt to smile quite a bit, especially after she found out that this Celandine was in the same year as she. So she had gotten her happily ever after earlier, huh? And she had caught the nicest boy Melly had ever met at the school - nevermind that she had only spoken to him some two times during all of the school year. If Melly didn't know herself, she'd actually say that she was quite jealous of Cela. But she couldn't be, could she? Melly was never jealous. Jealousy was a horrid thing she didn't wish to posess. Ever.
"I don't have any friends in my year," She answered truthfully. "And mine are mostly Ravenclaws, older Ravenclaws," She nodded, her eyes skipping to Juni. Hmm, Juni deserved a big hug as well, didn't she? Yes, she did, and Melly would give it to her, but not now. For the first time ever, she felt like she needed to be hugged and not like she should give the hugs, even if she knew she did.
Ah, how sillier could she be?
"You do now!" Cela told her with a smile, striking a silly pose and poking her tongue out at the other girl. "I've decided that we are going to be friends." Cela added in a tone that clearly wasn't worth arguing.