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"Oh well, I'll be right back." It wasn't like it was far. Ethan decided a little walk would do him good. He stood up and headed to the door, looking back over his shoulder as he did so. "I expect you to be finished by the time I get back." Without waiting for a reply he headed up to the kitchens.
This horrible, rude, disrespectful, mean, hateful...gorgeous, good-looking, interesting, intelligent
man. This was inhumane! At least he was going to get them something to drink, though! He had to be given some credit for that one, right? Right! Figuring she may as well get this over with (
so she could have something to drink), Anna tapped her quill once against her parchment and then set to work.
Why it is Important to Show Respect to
Professors, Even if You Are Supposedly Grown
Up Enough to Do More Than Hold Hands
1. When I decided to kiss Cale Newell repeatedly and then back talk Professor Truebridge, I ended up losing ten points. TEN POINTS!!! That's seriously one entire homework assignment, not counting any bonus parts, of course. Well, but...you know...I always do the bonus parts, so I guess in my case, this would be considered half of a homework assignment. Or, well, maybe these ten points could be the actual bonus. Yeah, okay...we'll go with that. I lost my bonus points. BOO. I worked hard for those, too.
2. We should respect the professors, because they are older than us, and they're probably going to die sooner than we are. We want to make sure that we m
2. The professors are more or less our parents away from home. They deserve the same amount of respect we give to our mothers and fathers. They're older and wiser than we are, and we can learn a great deal from them if we'll just learn to listen to them and do as they tell us to do. This means no kissing your significant other in the corridors, for one. It also means that when the professors tell us to do something, we should do it without any questions or comments.
3. It's also important to show respect to the professors, because they will always lead us in the direction that's best for us. They are wise, as I stated earlier, and they've experienced more of life than we have. Speaking of leading in directions, Cale and I are both prefects, and we should respect the professors as an example to our housemates and fellow students. Right now, we're both not being very good examples. There's no telling what our housemates...what the entire school...thinks of us!
4. Professor are far more experienced in charms, hexes, jinxes, and curses than we are. They can---and will---use any and all of the above if that's what the situation calls for. Well, to be honest, the professors wouldn't curse us (or would they?), but I bet they'd send a nice hex our way if given the opportunity to. For this reason, we should always obey them and try to stay on their good side.
5. Professors Shackleton and Kazimeriz know both my mother and father. Not only that, most, if not all, of the faculty has bought ice cream from my mother a time or two. If I continued being disrespectful to my professors, my mother and father would definitely find out sooner or later. Do you KNOW what Alexander Greingoth would do to me if a professor ever owled home to let him know his one and only child was failing to act accordingly in an institution of education? Well, to be honest, I don't know what he'd do, and I really, really don't desire to find out.
6. As older students, we should remain respectful to the professors so that the younger students---the future of Hogwarts---will receive a good example. When the younger students see the older students misbehave, they believe they can do so, as well. I guess, in a way, this goes for the older students, as well. I suppose they can be influenced from our behavior, as well. We need to be a good example, especially since we're in a leadership position. In being disrespectful to Professor Truebridge, we not only let down Gryffindor house, but we let down our schoolmates and professors, as well.