ll Achmed's 2nd Keeper ll Team Jacob l l Otaku ll Sam entered the DADA classroom, gripping the strap of his bag anxiously. Advanced fear? He could only imagine what torture Kazi-mean-iz would pull on them. Sam's eyes bugged out. PINK?! Wasn't expecting that. The pained look on Sam's face said it all. Eww... Sam stuck his tongue out on the side of his mouth and rolled his eyes upwards. Balloons. Interesting.
Sam ventured father into the classroom, still gripping his bag-strap, out of disgust this time. He picked a pink desk nearer the back and placed his bag down on the surface. One look at the board and he was seated, face down, gagging. The Professor must have been cursed by Professor Lupa or something. This was insane.
Last edited by Obi-Wan K'Lari; 04-02-2009 at 11:09 AM.
Reason: color...